
Elevate Performance



Leadership comes in all shapes and sizes. Some leaders are outgoing, some are strong and silent, some are extremely hands-on, and others give lots of room to operate. Despite the differences in styles, there are some very important common denominators that good leadership teams share.

Having a clear vision. Understanding the mission. Keeping resources aligned. Staying focused on delivering a clear message. These are all key components to being a strong leadership team.

Learning how to lead well as a group can be the difference in success and failure when it comes to a business or a career.

Contact me today to learn the principles that can help take your leadership team to the next level.


Building a team starts with having the right people in the right positions. That means you have to have a vision of who you want to hire and then create a very specific process for getting those people on your team. For example, just because someone has good computer skills doesn’t mean they would be a good fit in a particular IT department. Most people have worked with someone who had all the skills needed but somehow managed to have a negative impact on the team.

Too often employees are hired based strictly on skill sets and job experience. It’s only after they’ve come on board that it becomes apparent that they are a bad fit. Understanding how to hire well is not as complicated as it might seem. It just takes having a simple process in place.

Then there is the issue of training. In a busy environment, finding the time can seem almost impossible. The fact is, if training is done properly it happens constantly and creates an environment where team members feel valued. All it takes is learning how to ask the right questions at the right times and then providing the appropriate responses.

If you would like to know how to refine your hiring, onboarding, and training, contact me today!

All of us are born with certain ways we filter information. These filters are called temperaments. Some people are results-driven. Some are all about people. Others gravitate to schedules. Still, others operate better with lots of details. Along the way, we learn to manage our temperaments so we can accomplish our goals.

Imagine being able to recognize and appeal to each person’s innate temperament.

For over twenty-five years I’ve been teaching Management By Strengths, one of the top communication disciplines in the world. Management By Strengths (MBS) is a program designed to help companies increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and employee morale through an improved understanding of how to work more effectively together. MBS skills enhance team-building throughout an organization. Used by companies such as Delta Airlines, American Red Cross, Hendrick Automotive Group, and Ally Financial, MBS is a powerful tool.

As a Master Certified Trainer and an independent contractor for MBS, I can help your team improve their performance.

Contact me today to learn more.

Throughout my career, I have been put into positions of building and leading teams. I started in the furniture business before transitioning to the automotive industry, where I worked for thirty five years. Before retiring from corporate life, I worked as the Vice President of Training for the largest privately held automotive group in the U.S.

Along the way, I learned a lot about the challenges that come with being in charge. The mentors I had through the years helped me to develop decision making skills that served me well.

As business leaders, we’re sometimes expected to have all the answers and we oftentimes don’t have someone who can relate to our positions. This is where having a professional coach becomes incredibly valuable. Speaking with someone who “has been there and done that” can help us identify our blind spots and offer perspectives that force us to look at our roles in a different light.

If you’re looking for someone who has the experience and knowledge to help you grow as a business leader, don’t hesitate. Contact me today.

What makes a good keynote speaker and why would you want to hire one? The attributes a good speaker needs to possess are really not that many but they are critical.

Let’s start with why you would want to hire a professional speaker. Standing in front of a room full of people and keeping them engaged can be a daunting task. If it’s not done well, it can create a major setback in the tone of the event. On the other hand, hiring someone who has mastered good public speaking techniques can jump-start that same event by providing thought-provoking content and a heightened level of energy.

As a college student, I studied music. Specifically, I studied voice and became a professional singer. During my twenties, I performed over 1500 shows where I was responsible for engaging the crowd.

As I grew older and had kids, I moved into the automotive business so I could be home with my family. Little did I realize how much my music experience would benefit me in my new career. As I moved up the ranks, one of the things I became known for was leading meetings. This eventually led to my transfer from the dealership space to the corporate space.

Over time I became the VP of training for a company that had billions of dollars in revenue and many thousands of employees. As you can imagine, my career required me to give countless presentations to groups that ranged from just a few people to hundreds.

So, what attributes did I find essential to being a good speaker? In no specific order of importance, here is my shortlist:

  • Be prepared. Don’t just wing it!
  • Be extremely knowledgeable about the topic and your audience.
  • Make key points relevant to the audience.
  • Create insight into improvement.
  • Work and life experience add credibility.
  • Have a pleasant demeanor. Be approachable and believable.
  • Don’t sound like the entire speech is memorized. Make it conversational.
  • Engage the entire room.

If you would like to speak with me about keynoting your event, please contact me today.

Get In Touch

John Lamking Coaching

Wesley Chapel, NC 28110
+1 704 756 1183